In-house Lab

Our In-house testing laboratory is equipped with advanced diagnostic technology to ensure precise and timely results for your pet’s medical needs. Our dedicated team of professionals can perform a comprehensive range of tests to support accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans.

Our laboratory services include:

Complete Blood Counts (CBC) to assess overall health and detect any abnormalities in red and white blood cells.
Blood chemistry panels to evaluate organ function, monitor electrolyte levels, and detect metabolic imbalances.
Urinalysis and Kidney Panels to assess kidney health, identify urinary tract infections, and detect other urinary abnormalities.
Faecal exams and floatation tests to screen for intestinal parasites and identify any underlying digestive issues.
Heartworm detection to identify the presence of heartworm disease in dogs.
Fluids and electrolyte evaluation to monitor hydration levels and ensure proper balance of essential minerals in the body.
Skin and ear cytology to aid in the diagnosis of skin conditions and ear infections.
FIV/FeLV Testing/Canine Vacci-check to screen for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV), Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV), and canine vaccine titers.
Additionally, we offer pre-anesthetic blood tests to ensure your pet’s safety before any surgical procedure. These tests assess kidney and liver functions, detect any underlying conditions, and help us tailor the anesthesia plan to your pet’s specific needs.